Welcome to the world of survival horror...

Welcome to the world of survival horror....

Imagine a normal mid-western U.S. town, built at the base of a vast forest. Business thrived here, especially with the advent of several new industries. Heck, you can't find a more peaceful wilderness getaway than Racoon City.

Then the trouble began.

And it leads back to when the corporation arrived.

Rumors began to spread, and the town was overcome with odd occurences. Unidentifiable creatures appeared out of no where, and fatal accedents happened at an alarming rate. Word got out about a severe accedent at a mountain lab. No one in town knew what was happening to their quaint town.

The Racoon City Police Department, in an effort to calm the growing fear among locals, recruited several new new officers. Leon S. Kennedy is one of the promising new recruits. As Leon prepares to join his new unit, he attempts to contact the Captain who hired him, but has no luck reaching him. Unfazed, he continues into Racoon City to his new job.

At the other side of town, a distraught Clair Redfield searches for her missing brother, Chris. Clair begins her search in Racoon City, the last known location of her brother nearly two months ago, only to learn about the "accedent" in the forest. Is Chris still in Racoon City?

Sadly for Leon and Clair, they are both completly unaware of the overwhelming world of horror and despair they both are about to enter...